A Christian Congregation in San Antonio, TX

COVID-19 Update – March 28


Yes! We’re still gathering for worship, this Sunday (March 29th), 10:30am. HOWEVER, we will be meeting at a DIFFERENT LOCATION: 9855 Culebra Rd., San Antonio TX 78251 (The Hosanna church building). This location is about a ½ mile from Beth Simcha. It’s also the place where we use to worship. Please note, this is a temporary, perhaps a one-time move. After which, we will be returning to Beth Simcha. We’ll keep you posted.

REMEMBER, we are taking every pre-caution to safeguard the health and safety of those who will be joining us in worship. Therefore, you’re ill, have a fever or feeling sick, or fall into the category of people who may be the most susceptible to becoming ill, please feel free to stay home and worship us on Facebook Live: @saintstephenschapel

Let us join together to sing praise to the Lord for He is good His love endures forever. Continue praying for your family, community, city, state, nation, world; and, especially for your church, Saint Stephen’s Chapel. ~Pastor Manny