A Christian Congregation in San Antonio, TX

COVID-19 Update March 17

Coronavirus Update

UPDATE – Saint Stephen’s Chapel will continue to gather for Sunday worship, which includes this coming Sunday (March 22nd). Every precaution is being made to ensure our public health and safety concerns. This includes suspending for the next few weeks, Training-in-the Pews, Christian Education, Community Group and Bible study gatherings. We are also suspending our ‘Hospitality,’ (Pan Dulce, doughnuts, cookies before and after worship).

Further, we are working on enhancing our online capabilities. Currently, our live worship services are available online via Facebook Live. Our sermons are recorded and available on our website. We are also looking at other ways to stay digitally connected with our congregations. Remember, as with any illness, if you are sick or have a fever please stay home and worship with us online. Also, if you fall into the category of being among the most vulnerable to this virus, please consider staying home and watching us online as well.

As the weight of our anxiety and frustration continues to build due to the circumstances in our world today, take comfort in knowing that Jesus Christ has overcome the world. So as the government and public officials do what they feel they must do for the sake of our bodies. We must do what the Lord, our God, has called us to do for the sake of our eternal souls; and, that is to continue to gather in worship, preach and share the gospel message, and prayer for His intervention.

There is joy in knowing that we are never closer to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ than when we are in need. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Rom. 15:13)